what’s your path to wholebeing?
Life is a highway. Every day is a winding road.
Both are true.
Life brings twists, turns and bumps on the road to each of us. Some more than others. Sometimes deep wounds. Wholebeing is about moving beyond survival mode to thriving. With mind-body-spirit wholeness. Integrated.
My paths and practices to riding the twists and turns, and healing the deeper wounds, are found in yoga for the body, coaching and journalling for the mind, meditation and Jewish wisdom for the spirit. And of course they’re not so separate.
I’d love to share them with you.

Meditation is not about self-improvement. — Rabbi Sheila Peltz-Weinberg
Meditation is about relationship. Relationship with self, with others, with all that is. My meditation practices seek to connect deeply inward, to be open to what is present and what wants to be present, to possibly glimpse awareness beyond the self for a moment. Meditation leads toward wholebeing, toward the choice of how to respond to life.
I came to meditation some 18+ years ago through Jewish meditation practices. My teachers include several beloved rabbis and meditation teachers, as well as the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. Since 2014, I have led meditations at Holy Blossom Temple in Toronto. I also lead meditations with private groups and individuals, at the MNjcc - Tikkun Leil Shavuot, the National Council of Jewish Women Canada - Simcoe, and the Embodied Jewish Wisdom Network.

I stumbled into yoga some 20+ years ago when a friend became a teacher. I could not have known how yoga would become so essential in my life journey. Yoga is about loving your body — turning inward, becoming more and more aware of your body’s subtleties and capacities. Stretching yourself. Not pushing yourself. Integrating body, mind and spirit — wholebeing.
My gratitude for the gift of yoga inspired me to embark on yoga teacher training at Esther Myers Yoga Studio (the “Harvard” of yoga schools) — with their deep training, I began student teaching mid-life and beyond women in 2019. I anticipate completing certification in 2025.